Tuesday 17 March 2015

Social Hijack Of A Beautiful Mind

Social Hijack Of A Beautiful Mind

Hi Fellas

Today I felt like I should write on this thing as well because now I see and I really feel that this thing has captured almost everyone's mind.



Its The Internet, The Media, Social Networking Sites, Chat Applications and Virtual Games. If we all observe it keenly and honestly then we will find this dangerous virus in our society. 


Today most of the people are having Smart Phones, Laptops, Fast Internet Connections and people are so much addicted to it that if it happens that for 2-3 days they are deprived from either Electricity, Internet, Gadgets or any such thing then they may encounter with problems like Loneliness, Sadness, Frustration, Depression etc.


If you are having a bunch of friends at your college or at your workplace or whenever you plan for a meeting with them or any kind of party or gathering then I am sure you will see most of the people chatting on their phone's. Now this really gives a bad impression on those people who are not that Phonoholic and they just came there to meet their friends. Its really sad that instead of giving importance to those friends who came there just to meet you, you actually give importance to that virtual one.


And people like these after sometimes, when there is no one online to chat feel lonely and put a status like feeling sad and lonely. Actually they are themselves responsible for it as they gave more priority to that thing which actually doesn't exist, its virtual.


I don't put scientific facts as people have developed a defense mechanism against it and half of the people actually don't understand the scientific facts, but the fact is fact. People are giving more importance to the virtual world.


Now talking about Media and News Channels.


I seriously think that if you want to live peacefully then don't watch news channels too much, as because of their content, whether you want it or not, your mind gets affected. They say that they deliver the best and say the truth, but one should think whatever they do, they are actually doing a business. They will only show that thing what the public wants to see. Also many times the news channels are paid by the Bureaucrats, Politicians, Businessmen, Companies etc, so that people can see only that stuff which they want to show and hence they (The News Channels and The Payee) gets the maximum benefit. For them its all about business, they don't care about people and country. They think that they are actually doing an honest job and making people aware, but actually its their false confidence and actually they are just creating a chaos.


One should observe the Political debates over news channels, where you will observe their truth. There you can see that news channels have got their own stand. They also take sides, whatever they think is right, they show and focus only that and present it as a prime truth in front of people. 

Also I have seen and observed that news channels, their owners and their workers never forget their rivalry. Today the competition has increased so much that sometimes their rivalry comes in open. But still they say that they present the truth and only watch their news. They have the power to create a Government, destroy the same, create a god, destroy the same, create an Idol, destroy the same.


But the thing is that people don't use their own brain. If a person x sees in the news channel that the stock market will fall tomorrow drastically then he will immediately pull out his money, and yes the stock market falls next day, not because the prediction was correct, but because of the news as so many people saw it and they fallow it.


If the news says that in this part of the country the crime rate has increased by x percent then the parents don't send their wards to study in that region no matter how good the institute is there. News channels actually makes peoples perception. They are actually driving peoples mind and have full control over it. Their main motive is not make people aware but scare them and to tell them that if you want to survive then watch us and only us regularly. 


Therefore I suggest people that kindly use your own brain as god has given equal brain to everyone and nobody is more or less intelligent than you. Take the suggestions and news from the sources but think and examine it patiently, don't come to conclusions at once. And don't make your life dependent on them as you have your own lovely life, wonderful family and friends. Just make sure that you are NOT LIVING IN THE VIRTUAL WORLD, AND IF YOU ARE THEN IMMEDIATELY COME OUT OF IT AS YOU ALL ARE AWARE THAT IT DOESN'T EXISTS.